For a week I have had the opportunity to participate in the Street Art Fest Grenoble Alps, organized by SpaceJunk and which runs throughout the month of June and July.
After several wall changes and some doubts, I found a cultural center located on the outskirts. A building that was in a very quiet area, totally surrounded by trees, parks, bicycles, sports and music. It turned out to be a perfect place to spend a week painting.

Grenoble is an incredible city located at the beginning of the French Alps. The flattest city in France is rounded by three large mountain ranges that give way to the Great Alps. Its richness in fauna and flora is indisputable, but there are also many of the animal and plant species in danger of extinction and many others that have already disappeared. Even some such as the bearded vulture became extinct during the 20th century. Fortunately, during the last 30 years a reintroduction of the species has been carried out and now we can enjoy it again flying in the great ravines.
The human being is the main cause, and sometimes the solution, of the extinction of the vast majority of animal and plant species.

This was the result of a hard week of heat and humidity, with the best company:
”Bearded vultures and some of the last blue sea hollies from the Alps." On coexistence, respect and not having to regret it.


Here are also some incredible photos of the process, taken by Andrea Berlese.

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In my work I seek to respect the environment in which I carry out the mural as much as possible, integrating the work and respecting the community. Something similar should happen when we share space and time with other species.

I would like to especially thank the entire organization, the volunteers, the other artists with whom I spent these days and the residents of Grenoble for getting so involved. It has been an incredible week.
Thanks especially to Iñaki and Silvia, for their closeness.

I hope you enjoy my work and see you soon around wherever!